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Welcome to Year 6

Class Teacher: Mr Claridge

Over the course of the Spring term, Year 6 will broaden their horizons and will spend time studying Science and Design & Technology.  This will also be interspersed with Bikeability where children will learn to safely ride their bikes and follow the Highway Code.


In science, Year 6 will be learning more about the Human Heart and circulatory system.  We will spend some time studying the structure of the heart and learning how the body is able to transport blood, oxygen and nutrients around the body.  Once we have developed a better understanding of the heart, children will learn more about what they can do to keep their heart healthy.  We will explore the benefits of a healthy life style as well as developing an understanding of the lifestyle choices that we can make that may have an adverse effect on our heart. Through our PE lessons, we will learn more about our pulse rate and will explore what happens to our heart rate when we exercise. 


Once the class have completed their enquiry on the heart, we will begin a unit on Design and Technology. Students will undertake a challenging and engaging Design and Technology project cantered around the micro:bit, a small programmable device used to introduce students to coding and electronics. Focusing on the practical application of the micro:bit's light sensor, pupils will be tasked with designing and developing a product that effectively utilises this technology.


This project will involve students in the full design cycle, from initial research and concept generation, through prototyping and testing, to final evaluation and refinement. Students will explore how changes in light intensity can be detected by the sensor and used to trigger specific outputs, such as illuminating LEDs, activating motors, or displaying messages on the micro:bit's LED matrix. This project aims to enhance students' understanding of electronic systems, coding fundamentals (including conditional statements and input/output operations), and the design thinking process, fostering problem-solving skills and creativity within a technological context.


Both of these enquiries will provide the children with valuable real-world learning opportunities and will also allow the class to take their learning in their own directions.

Key Performance Indicators - Year 6


Transition Tips

Year Six Transition
Autumn term organiser.png
Autumn Art KO.png
Year 6 Autumn Coverage Map
Weekly Timetable 2024/25
Year Six Curriculum Enrichment 23/24

Additional Resources

44  Club
55  Club
66  Club
77  Club
88 Club
99  Club
99  Club - Introduction
The Legendary 144 Club
The Legendary 144 Club 2
The Legendary 144 Club - Answers
The Legendary 144 Club 2 - Answers
The 169 Club
The Legendary 169 Club - Answers
Mathematics Key Understandings
Year 6 Writing Assessment
At the Beach: À la plage
At the Café: Au café
French Prepositions
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