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Welcome to Year 6

Class Teacher: Mr Claridge

During the Summer term at Shaldon, Year 6 will be developing their knowledge of Geography, Science, Art, Computing and RSE.  The children will also explore outdoors games such as rounders as well as developing their athletic skills ready for Sports Day and the ACE Olympics!

In Geography, children will be learning more about climate change across the world and how an increased incidence of extreme weather events is leading to severe challenges to the global food supply.  Children will have the choice to direct their learning in this enquiry and will be investigating a wide range of different instances of climate change from forest fires in Greece to flooding in Pakistan.

Towards the end of the first half term, Year 6 will be spending 3 days away on their residential where they are travelling to Dartmoor for an adventure filled time exploring the wonderful landscape on our doorstep.

As scientists, Year 6 children will spend time delving into the fascinating world of evolution where we will learn more about the influential Charles Darwin and how his Theory of Evolution changed the way that we think about the natural world.  This learning experience will be supported by our class book ‘The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate’ which explores the differences between Evolution and Creationism.

An incredibly important part of the Year 6 curriculum involves preparing our children for their move to the next stage of their education.  Over the course of the Summer term, we will spend time in our RSE lessons learning about how the human body changes as we grow older as well as what a positive relationship is.  We will work on the transition to secondary school and how we can manage the wide range of feelings and emotions that children will experience during this time.

Year 6 Autumn
Coverage Map
Weekly Timetable 2023/24
Year Six Curriculum Enrichment 2023/24
Screenshot 2024-05-04 123524.png

Key Performance Indicators - Year 6


Additional Resources

Transition Tips

Year Six Transition
44  Club
55  Club
66  Club
77  Club
88 Club
99  Club
99  Club - Introduction
The Legendary 144 Club
The Legendary 144 Club 2
The Legendary 144 Club - Answers
The Legendary 144 Club 2 - Answers
The 169 Club
The Legendary 169 Club - Answers
Mathematics Key Understandings
Year 6 Writing Assessment
At the Beach: À la plage
At the Café: Au café
French Prepositions
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