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Welcome to Year 5

Class Teacher: Miss Pottage

Summer Term Learning

We will begin our summer term by studying migration in geography. During this learning enquiry, we will be learning about why people are migrating from Guatemala and the effect of climate change on the country. As well as that, we will be learning to use lines of longitude and latitude to locate countries on a map and understand how to avoid bias when researching like a geographer. To conclude this enquiry, the children will be writing their own persuasive speeches on whether people should leave or stay in Guatemala and perform these to an audience. After geography, we will be embarking on our art enquiry, where we will be learning about textiles in relation to all our understanding of the Aztecs and Mayan culture. After the half term break, we will finish year 5 with a narrative enquiry focusing on the novel ‘The Last Whale’, a science enquiry looking at living things & life cycles, computing and then our RSE positive relationships enquiry. Our PE this term will consist of two lessons per week, both taught by Mr Bradley. We will be starting with Olympic training where the children will develop basic skills for acceleration and sprinting, develop technique and knowledge of how to gain & maintain fitness. This will be followed up by swimming in summer term 2.

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Year 5 Curriculum  Enrichment 2023/24
Y5 Writing Expectations

Key Performance Indicators - Year 5

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