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Welcome to Year 4

Class Teacher: Miss Heyward


Spring 1


Over the course of this half term, Year 4 will begin with a scientific study focussing on light sound and electricity. Our enquiry question is ‘How can I investigate light, sound and electricity?’ During this learning enquiry, we will be learning about the science behind light and sound as well as looking at sound waves and vibrations. In order to do this, Year 4, will be working in groups to learn about how a sound is made. We will be investigating sound by designing our own investigations to see how sound changes when using rubber bands and boxes to explore sound in different ways.  


Before we begin our investigation, the children will be working in groups to come up with a hypothesis to test. This will be a part of our plan, do, review process that we are working on to investigate light and sound. After we have completed our investigation, we will then reflect upon how it went and compare investigations with our peers. At the end of our enquiry, Year 4 will be designing their own journal page to explain their learning of the science behind light, sound and electricity using writing and scientific diagrams.  

After our science enquiry, we will be using our learning to carry out a design and technology. During this time, the children will be using the iterative process to design and make a prototype for a product that will relate to light, sound and/ or electricity.  

Our PE this term will consist of 2 lessons per week, one taught by Mr Atkinson and the other taught by Miss Heyward. In this half term our focus is dance where we will be working in the hall and developing our skills within dance. 

Knowledge organiser DT.png
Spring term map.png

Additional Resources

44  Club
55  Club
66  Club
77  Club
88 Club
99  Club
Food Flowchart
Y3-4 Spellings Handwriting
Weekly Timetable 2024/25
Year 4 Curriculum Enrichment 23-24
Year 4 Writing Expectations

Key Performance Indicators - Year 4

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