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Welcome to Year 4

Class Teacher: Miss Heyward


Summer Term

Over the course of this half term, Year 4 will begin with a geographical study focussing on The Amazon Rainforest. Our enquiry question is ‘How will climate change impact the Amazon Rainforest?’ During this learning enquiry, we will be learning about the causes and consequences of climate change and how it is affecting the ecosystems of the Amazon biome. In order to learn about the Amazon, we will be using atlases to find out about population, as well as the landscape. After taking notes about the Amazon, we will be answering the question ‘Why is the Amazon biome at risk?’ by thinking about causes and consequences including growing population and vast scale deforestation.  

To conclude our geography enquiry, we will come to an end with a persuasive speech that will persuade people to look after their carbon footprint.

After our geography enquiry, we will be recalling our Autumn Term artist study and learning about the artist Giacometti. During this study, we will be learning about sculpting and representing movement through sculpture. This links to our study on Matisse because, we learnt that Matisse uses abstract art to create mood and atmosphere. During our study of Giacometti, we will be learning how to use different material to form an abstract sculpture that has a purpose behind it. Our outcomes will be based on an individual representation that displays a message or meaning.

Summer 2

During summer 2, we will study science for the final time in Year 4. During this time, we will be looking at the human digestive system, the parts that make up our digestive system and how our digestive system works. Following that, we will study computing where we will be learning how to programme on Scratch. Throughout this enquiry, we will be creating our own Scratch games completely programmed by us and will have the opportunity to play each other’s games.

To conclude, we will be finishing the year with RSE. During this week, we will be learning about changes to our body as we start to go into Year 5 and what some of those changes will look like. During this enquiry, we will have many discussions and will have the opportunity to ask questions in a safe community. Our RSE curriculum can be accessed on our school website.

Year 4 Curriculum

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Screenshot 2024-05-04 121535.png
Year 4 Curriculum Enrichment 23-24
Weekly Timetable 2023/24
Year 4 Writing Expectations

Key Performance Indicators - Year 4

Key Performance Indicators - Year 4


Key Performance Indicators - Year 4


Additional Resources

44  Club
55  Club
66  Club
77  Club
88 Club
99  Club
Food Flowchart
Y3-4 Spellings Handwriting
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