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Welcome to Year 3
Class Teacher: Mrs Fletcher
Spring 1 will start off with our science enquiry into materials and the water cycle. The children will be investigating states of matter when they design ways to remove ice from an object without damaging it. How will they melt the ice in the most effective way? They will learn which materials change under heat or the sun and about the particle formation of solids, gases and liquids. This will help them to think about, and to do research about how climate change is affecting the water cycle.
Design and Technology is the next subject for our enquiry after this. The product will be linked to our science subject of materials, where the children will be asked to use plan-do-review while they work collaboratively to make a lidded container prototype for a client. The children will need to consider use of appropriate materials that need to be robust and fit the purpose of the brief.
For our poetry enquiry, we will be studying the works of Michael Rosin. We will be asking how he managed to make us feel like eating chocolate cake with choice of words, through listening to one of his poems. The children will create their own poem in the style of Michael Rosen and reading them aloud in class to practise their expressive skills.
Spring 2 will start with history. We will be learning all about the Roman invasion, and how significant individuals from the past shaped life as we know it today. The children will be focussing particularly on Boudicca, who in AD 61, lead a rebellion of the Iceni tribe against the Romans. The children will be writing an information report based on their findings and consider the impact of the Romans.
Finally, there will be a religious education enquiry, which focusses on how stories and symbolism explain the beliefs of a religion. The outcome will be to create an information text about stories and symbolism within the Jewish faith, and how they shape and explain belief. We will hope to have visitors in to share the traditions of their faith during this enquiry.
Key Performance Indicators - Year 3
Additional Resources
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