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Welcome to Year 3

Class Teacher: Mrs Fletcher

Summer 1

Summer 1 starts with a geography enquiry, where we will be asking the question: How are the lives of Icelandic people affected by tectonic plate paths? The children will have an excellent opportunity to access prior knowledge from geography 1 and science 2 as they investigate another island, which is mostly made up of volcanic rock.


Summer 2

Summer 2 begins with our third and last science enquiry of Year 3. We will be looking at producing a diagram sharing the process of transportation through plants. The children will produce writing to accompany their diagrams.

We will then focus on art, looking at how we can include lines and different cutting techniques to provide depth and perspective in landscape prints.

After this, we will be learning about how to search on search bars effectively, learning how to produce different types and sizes of font and creating a ‘how to’ for best research practice in computing. Finally, we will look at relationships and body parts in relationships, sex and education lessons.

Our class novel will be ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.

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Y3 Weekly Timetable
Year 3 Curriculum Enrichment 23/24
Y3 Writing Expectations

Key Performance Indicators - Year 3


Additional Resources

11  Club
22 Club
33  Club
44  Club
55 Club
66  Club
77 Club
88  Club
99 Club
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