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Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher: Mr Hodgson

Summer 1

Our first learning journey of the summer term focuses on geography and in particular the counties of the United Kingdom. Our enquiry question is, ‘How is the UK like a giant jigsaw puzzle?’. As part of this learning, we will re-visit the work we did in the autumn term on the county of Devon and use this knowledge to help us compare Devon to other counties of the UK. Working as geographers, we will be using different sources of information to help us try to answer our enquiry question. For our outcome we will produce our own information page all about the UK’s counties.

For the second part of Summer 1 the attention will shift to art. We love art in Year 2 and can’t wait to start learning about something new. Our enquiry will look at textiles and we will take inspiration from artists around the world who use different textiles to create amazing collages. For our outcome we will create our own fabulous textile collage masterpieces.


Summer 2

The second half of the summer term starts with a narrative enquiry linked to our class book, Charlotte’s Web. We’ll be having a go at writing our own version of the story using animals that are close to our hearts. This will be an extended piece of story writing that we will be looking to showcase our impressive developing writing skills through.

After this narrative enquiry we move to science again, looking at habitats. This work builds on the work we did earlier in the year on food chains. We will be returning to Ness Woods and looking for how the ecosystem has changed since we last visited in the winter. We’ll make minibeast bug hotels and re-visit to see who has checked in!

The term ends with two shorter enquiries on computing (digital media) and RSE (differences).

What a busy final term but what great learning adventures that lie in store for us before heading into the summer holiday!

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Weekly Timetable 2023-24
Year 2 Curriculum Enrichment 23/24

Key Performance Indicators - Year 2

Year 2 Writing 2023-24
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