Welcome to Year 1
Class Teacher: Miss Alam
We will kick-start the autumn term getting used to our new routine and environment. We will think about the expectations in Year 1 and how this will help us push our learning balloon. Our first learning journey will be art “How do I draw still-life art accurately?” We need to think about what skills we need to be a good artist. The children will learn about primary colours and what happens when we mix them. The class will create still-life art using different tones.
Next, we will be looking into the past. Thinking about how we have changed from being a baby to now. We will compare photos of toys and place photos in chronological order on a timeline. We will learn how to ask questions becoming curious about life in the past compared to the present. Thinking about whether life will change in the future and how will we change.
After half term, we will be learning about seasons and “Why do the leaves fall from the trees in autumn?” The children will observe the decomposing of leaves and how that can indicate what season we are in. We will go on a walk looking for signs of autumn. This links to our final enquiry for autumn, geography “Why should people visit Shaldon?” Mr Explorer is on his way to visit Shaldon but has no idea what he can do while here. The children must create an information booklet highlighting all the amazing things to do in Shaldon to help Mr Explorer on his visit.
Key Performance Indicators - Year 1
Additional Resources