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Welcome to Year 1

Class Teacher: Miss Alam

Summer Term Learning

To begin the summer term, Year 1 will become geographers. We will have to decide where we would like to live when we grow up - Shaldon or London. We will start this enquiry by going on a walk around our local area, looking for natural and man-made features. Then the children will recap all of their knowledge about Shaldon and its features, before researching London’s features. We will present our thoughts in a class debate.

Children will write their own speeches, which they will use to support them in the debate. Having a class debate will allow children to build their confidence in presenting and have the ability to respect other people's views, even when they do not agree. Up next is art, and the children will take on all the character traits of an artist to create their mascot to represent the place they would choose to live. Children will go through the process of plan, do, review, and ensure they take the time to design and create their mascot.

After the holidays, we will be getting our gloves on ready to learn how to plant seeds and the importance of looking after our plants in our world. The children will be investigating the importance of the environment a plant grows in and how different factors can impact how plants grow. This links to our last science enquiry where we thought about how special our planet is and how need to look after it, 'Why are plants important for humans, animals, and the planet?'

We will then move on to computing, where we will create an image to represent plants and their importance on our earth. To end our time in year 1, we will be focusing on RSE, the importance of friendships and families.

When we look back on our time in Year 1, we have gained so much new knowledge, made new memories, and made amazing progress. 

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Weekly Timetable 2023/24
Year One Curriculum Enrichment

Key Performance Indicators - Year 1


Additional Resources

Common Exception Words
High Frequency Words
Letterjoin Letters
Letterjoin Paper - MEDIUM
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