School Uniform
It is our policy that children should wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. Our uniform is designed to be simple, smart and practical so as to avoid unnecessary expense.
The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We would ask that the children wear sensible black shoes during the school day and believe it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles, heels or open toes, including sandals and Crocs. We also discourage the wearing of trainers to school as this type of footwear is damaging, in the long term, to growing feet and is only appropriate for sports, PE or leisurewear. Neither is it in keeping with the smart appearance of the school uniform. All items of school clothing should be clearly labelled preferably with a sewn/iron on name tape.
We would like to give parents advance notice about a small change to our uniform policy from September 2019. From that date, we are asking that all children have at least one jumper or cardigan with the school logo on it. We appreciate that these cost more than plain red jumpers you can get - and the latter will still be permitted as uniform. However, we would ask that all children do have a logoed jumper or cardigan for our more formal occasions as a school, such as concerts, or the children are representing the school externally.

Grey trousers/skirt
White polo shirt
School sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey or white socks
Black school shoes
Summer - Optional
Grey shorts
Red & white check dress
Sports Kit
Black shorts
Coloured team t-shirt
KS1 - plimsolls or trainers with velcro
KS2 – trainers
Optional – Black or navy jogging trousers (to be worn over shorts during cold weather only)
Some activities in KS2 require safety equipment eg. shin pads, gum shields but
parents will be notified when these are required
We prefer our pupils not to wear any jewellery in school including friendship bracelets, although stud earrings and a sensible watch for those children who are able or are learning to tell the time are permitted. We also ask that children whose hair is below shoulder length is tied back at all times.