At Shaldon Primary School, we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. All staff have received appropriate training and safeguarding protocol so that they understand their role and responsibility and are confident about carrying them out.
Staff, pupils, parents and governors feel secure that they can raise any issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children and know that they will be listened to and taken seriously. This is made possible by maintaining an ethos of achieving excellence for all including ensuring the safeguarding of all pupils and staff.
We have a duty of care to refer any safeguarding concerns raised to other professional that may be deemed necessary.
If you have any safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact the safeguarding team above by calling the school on 01626 873329.
Wendy Parr can be contacted on 07985 189794
Safeguarding Documents
Jenny Stewart
Headteacher of Shaldon Primary Safeguarding Lead

Emily Elliot Cooke
Wendy Parr
ACE Head of Safeguarding
& Inclusion
Adam Claridge
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Headteacher

For further information please see on our Policies page
Useful Links

Shaldon Primary is taking part in Operation Encompass which runs jointly between local schools and Devon and Cornwall Police. It is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.
Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.
The information is given in strict confidence to a school’s Key Adult to enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child.