Relationships, Health and Sex Education
– Our content, aims and concepts
Relationships, Health & Sex Education at Shaldon
Our relationships curriculum is designed to provide pupils with an appreciation of positive relationships and respect. Pupils learn about the social and cultural influences that shape our school community, our families, our beliefs and our values. Learning focuses on current debates, such as online safety, respectful friendships and the part we all play in looking after one another. As a result, our pupils have a deep-rooted respect for themselves and their peers and an understanding of what it means to grow up in modern Britain. We have adopted the Christopher Winter scheme of work, as this scheme has been recommended by the PSHE Association. Since adopting this scheme in 2020, and continuing to work in close partnership with our pupils and families, we feel this scheme is appropriate and takes into account pupils' understanding and maturity, as well as the social and cultural context of our school.
RSE Overview for each class: Click on each class link, for an overview of the lesson content:

RSE Contacts in school:
Contact us at
RSE lead: Jenny Stewart (DSL/Headteacher)
Key Stage Leads: Tom Hodgson (KS1) &
Adam Claridge (KS2/Deputy Headteacher)
RSE Policy (Updated July 2023)
Relationships and Health – Examples of Relationships and Health Learning Experiences at Shaldon