Pastoral Care

Lisa Betts
Wellbeing Practitioner
Lisa is here to assist children and parents on their journey through primary school and all the challenges that come with this journey; whether they are emotional, physical or any difficulty that impacts on your child’s learning and becomes a barrier to them achieving their very best.
She can signpost parents and carers to information or support to enable them to get back on track. Often local government information changes or forms become more complicated; She is constantly informed of these changes and can support you to navigate your way around them.
If you have some kind of difficulty however trivial or difficult it might seem and this may impact on your child’s education please speak to Lisa as communication is key.
Lisa is supported by Mrs Wendy Parr, our Academy's Head of Safeguarding & Inclusion.
Useful Links
Gender Identity
The NSPCC have reported record number of calls regarding transgender 2,796 compared to 1,299 in the previous 12months.
It was recorded that children aged 12-15years were most likely to call the helpline about gender identity issues and that 260 of the calls on this subject were from 11-year-olds.
If you would like more information on this subject, please visit Mermaids UK