Friends of Shaldon School
The ultimate aim of Friends of Shaldon School is that the children benefit from our involvement. All parents and guardians of children at the school and staff are considered members of our Association.
The Association exists to promote cooperation between parents, staff, Governors and friends to advance the education of the pupils in the school. Your help or support of the events organised by FOSS is greatly appreciated as the school relies on this extra funding to enhance the children’s education and experiences.
Email: foshaldonschool@gmail.com
Facebook: @friendsofshaldonschool
Committee Members:
Chair - Kathryn Bax
Secretary - Molly Dorey
Treasurer - Zoe Moore
Committee - Helen Bird
Committee - Sarah Coy
Committee - Ilana Jacobs
New members always welcome!
Support Us:
Your School Lottery
This lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children! It's a fantastic way to bring Parents, Carers, Teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our school, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport. Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!
FOSS has signed up to STIKINS - name labels that stick in and stay in with no ironing or sewing required. FOSS receive a commission for every purchase. Please use code 17729 when ordering.​
​Please support Friends of Shaldon School with your online shopping!
Shop via easyfundraising for everything from groceries to getaways and they’ll donate a percentage to the school - it won’t cost you a penny apart from the cost of your shopping!
Dates for your Diary:
Please visit www.pta-events.co.uk/shaldon for an up to date list of all upcoming events and requests for volunteer help. Tickets for all events can also be purchased from this website, NO cash to school office please.
Follow our Facebook page for regular updates and reminders @friendsofshaldonschool
You can also email the committee at foshaldonschool@gmail.com but please remember this is monitored by volunteers so may not be responded to on the same day.